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The things we think we want,

Aren’t always the things we really need.

These shiny things we flaunt,

Don’t really do a damn thing,

to help us open up our eyes and truly see.

That it’s not about you, or me

It’s about the future, it’s about the children,

Who have not yet come to be.

So close your eyes and look inside,

Take a breath and a moment, and try to define,

What it is you truly need in life.

And in the process you might find out what you really are.

There must come a time

For us to think about who we chose to lead.

Will we change our minds,

Or will we just keep letting old men

Kill the young to feed their greed?

Will we fight their wars,

Or will we stand against their tyranny?

Will we change our course,

Or will we just keep letting selfishness

Subvert the dream of peace?

So close your eyes and look inside,

Take a breath and a moment, and try to define,

What it is you truly need in life.

And in the process you might find out what you really are.